Mycological research for modern agriculture
Finde Deinen Nützling
Fungal research
at eye level
Discover the power of nature in your soil with native soil fungi as beneficial organisms for modern agriculture
Discover the power of nature in your soil
Native soil fungi as beneficial organisms
for modern agriculture
Soil fungi in the media

PermakulturMAGAZIN, Dr. Wolfgang Hinterdobler, September 2023
“A vital and healthy soil is the basis for sustainable agriculture. Currently, the overuse of our soils is threatening the biodiversity of the microorganisms living in them, such as fungi and bacteria. With them, we are losing the most diverse and oldest architects of our ecosystems.”
The invisible world
Unser Hof, Blick ins Land, Stefan Nimmervoll, October 2023
“Soil fungi are crucial to a successful agriculture. A start-up is now helping farmers to create optimal growing conditions. A fungal researcher from Lower Bavaria and a farmer from Upper Austria: this duo is embarking on an expedition into the soil universe. There's plenty to discover.”
How native fungi can strengthen the soil

NO heute, Max Ryba, August 2023
“A local start-up wants to help farmers make their soils more resistant to drought, heat and pests and increase their yields with the help of individually adapted fungi.”
Trichoderma fungi as beneficial organisms
Promotion of plant growth and stress tolerance
Trichoderma fungi help plants to adapt to environmental stresses such as salinity, drought, high temperatures or heavy metal pollution. They promote growth by releasing hormone-like substances such as auxins and abscisic acid, which play a central role in regulating the plants' stress responses. In addition, these fungi improve nutrient uptake and stimulate root growth.
Under stress conditions, the plants emit special signals that attract Trichoderma fungi, resulting in a symbiotic relationship. This interaction strengthens plant growth and resilience to a variety of environmental factors.
Source: Contreras-Cornejo, H.A., et al. (2024). Abiotic plant stress mitigation by Trichoderma species. Soil Ecol. Lett.
Natural allies of sustainable agriculture
Trichoderma fungi are versatile organisms that are of great benefit in agricultural systems. They promote plant growth, improve nutrient uptake and protect plants from biotic (caused by pests and diseases) and abiotic (such as drought or salt stress) stress factors. They act by directly displacing harmful organisms and at the same time strengthen the plant's own defense mechanisms, thus increasing the plants' resistance.
By using Trichoderma, chemical pesticides can be reduced and sustainable, environmentally friendly agriculture can be promoted. Their properties as biological pest controllers and growth promoters make them a valuable resource in organic plant cultivation.
Source: Woo, S. L., et al. (2023). Trichoderma: A multipurpose, plant-beneficial microorganism for eco-sustainable agriculture. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 21, 312–326.
Beneficial fungi distinguish between symbionts and competitors
Trichoderma fungi can distinguish between beneficial and pathogenic fungi. This fascinating ability has now been studied in detail in laboratory experiments and shows that they can detect other fungi from a distance. They grow specifically towards harmful fungi such as Alternaria and Fusarium, while actively avoiding beneficial mycorrhizal fungi such as Laccaria.
While Trichoderma starts a defense program upon contact with pathogens, they remain restrained in the presence of beneficial fungi. This selective interaction makes Trichoderma a promising tool for biological plant protection, as important fungal partners are preserved in the soil.
Source: Stange, P., et al. (2024). The decision for or against mycoparasitic attack by Trichoderma spp. is taken already at a distance in a prey-specific manner and benefits plant-beneficial interactions. Fungal biol. biotechnol. 11:14.
Individual solutions require individual support
Frequently asked questions
How does „Finde Deinen Nützling" work?
The process is simple and effective: after ordering, we will send you a sampling kit with detailed instructions. You use it to collect soil samples from your field or garden and send them back to us.
We then isolate and analyze the fungi in our laboratory. The isolated fungi are characterized in two steps:
- Biological characterization: Using a special test procedure, we examine their ability to fight typical pathogenic fungi and their growth rate.
- DNA analysis: We identify the species based on so-called marker sequences and compare these with internal and public databases as well as scientific articles. This enables us to make a prediction about their potential as beneficial fungi for plant cultivation.
Furthermore, this method guarantees the exclusion of fungi that have already been investigated and may have negative effects on the health of humans, animals or plants.
As soon as we have found your ideal beneficial fungus, it will be propagated and sent back to you in the form of an aqueous spore solution.
The entire process, from the soil sent in to the ready-to-use fungi, takes 8 to 12 weeks. During this time, we will keep you updated on the progress. We are also happy to advise you on the optimal application methods and can tailor the spore solution specifically to your needs.
What properties do beneficial fungi have and for which applications are they suitable?
All beneficial fungi that leave our laboratory have the following characteristics:
- They are naturally adapted to the local soil conditions
- They are naturally adapted to the local climate
- They are highly competitive against typical plant pests
- They are known for their positive effect on the health and growth of crops
- They are fast growing and fast reproducing
Beneficial fungi can be used for different purposes. However, most fungi also fulfill a variety of tasks:
- Control of soilborne plant pests or pathogenic fungi that overwinter in the soil
- Improvement of soil structure and water retention
- Promotion of plant growth
- Supporting composting and the nutrient cycle
- Soil renaturation and regeneration
For whom is „Finde Deinen Nützling" suitable?
We work exclusively with fungi that occur naturally in your soil. We use isotonic water (water + table salt) for application - therefore no other substances or new organisms are introduced.
„Finde Deinen Nützling“ is suitable for both conventional and organic farming. Of course also for the garden.
As “Finde Deinen Nützling” is an individual service, there is currently no specific category in the organic farming inputs catalog where it can be listed. If your bio advisor has any questions, we will be happy to provide all the necessary information.
How much does the service cost and for which area is it suitable?
The basic price of EUR 1,345.50 (incl. 20% VAT) includes sufficient spore solution for application on 2 hectares. We offer staggered prices for larger areas:
- Up to 10 hectares: 46 EUR/ha (incl. 20% VAT)
- From 11 hectares: 36 EUR/ha (incl. 20% VAT)
Can I order more of my beneficial fungus?
Under optimal conditions, only one application is necessary. As your beneficial fungus is already naturally adapted to the region, it should remain on the field in large quantities beyond the winter - given that there is sufficient soil coverage.
In the event of major disturbances to the soil, a new application is recommended.
Your beneficial fungus is deep-frozen in our laboratory and can be reordered at any time. This only incurs a fixed fee of EUR 125.00 (incl. 20% VAT) and, depending on the area, costs for the spore solution.
Why are soil fungi important for soil health?
A living soil with a generous supply of humus promotes a functioning ecosystem with all its benefits. Soil fungi are the architects and builders of healthy soils. Their widely branched network of microscopically thin threads runs through the upper layers of soil, loosening them up and connecting soil particles to form a stable crumb structure. This increases water retention capacity and protects against erosion.
As nature's recycling specialists, soil fungi convert organic matter into plant-available nutrients and help to build up the valuable humus layer. They also form symbiotic partnerships with plants, support their nutrient uptake and strengthen their resistance. Healthy soil life with active fungi is therefore the basis for vital plants and sustainable yields.
What advantages do native soil fungi offer in comparison to commercially available products?
As part of the natural ecosystem, native soil fungi are already perfectly adapted to your soil and the local climatic conditions. They are familiar with the challenges typical for the location and are also adapted to regionally occurring pests and their defense mechanisms. In contrast to the application of non-native organisms, there is no risk that new species will be introduced or that the fungi will not be able to establish at all.
When is the best time for application?
Spores can be applied during the entire vegetation period. Times with sufficient soil moisture and moderate temperatures are particularly favorable, for example in spring or autumn. In addition, plants should already be growing on the field so that the beneficial fungi come into contact with the roots as quickly as possible.
We are happy to advise you on the most suitable application time for your crops.
What are the first signs that the beneficial fungi are doing their job?
The effect is usually first seen in improved soil structure and root development. Many farmers report better growth and healthier plants after only a few months. The specific effects can vary depending on the initial situation and scope of application.
We are happy to assist you with the use of your beneficial fungus and look forward to hearing about your practical experiences.
Can local fungi be found for specific applications?
With extended test procedures, we are able to find soil fungi for specific application. For example:
- To suppress locally occurring harmful fungi
- For better composting
- For soil renaturation and soil detoxification
We are happy to help you to find the ideal beneficial fungus for exactly your needs and look forward to hearing from you!